About the Podcast

Whether it is sleep disorders or profound dreams; something is happening while we are Dead to the World.

Join mother and daughters Dawn Howell, Lexi Guerra, and Tash Neilsen as they dive deep into all sleep related phenomena!

Meet the Dream Team

Dawn Howell, or "Mama Dawn" is the mom of the dream team trio! She created the idea of the Dead to the World Podcast. Wife, mother, manager, podcaster... loves to sleep, craft, enjoy the great outdoors, listen to podcasts, and did she mention sleep?!

Tash Neilsen, or "Big Sis" of the trio is obsessed with dream interpretation! She has tarot cards, dream books, and cats! Her husband Kyle calls her the crazy cat lady and she's motherly to all.

Lexi is the baby of the trio! She loves all things spooky and paranormal. She loves her husband Sebastian, her adorable Corgi Tucker, and has a serious shopping addiction! You can find her napping in her free time ;).